Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Trying to plan a total rearrangement of my house; rather a big deal with all my stuff. My main plan is to move my big bed (I LOVE my bed!) into the dining room and then use the one bedroom of my tiny house as a studio where I can leave out sewing, etc. and craft to my heart's content when I'm not here at the Job.

This rearrangement requires disassembling Big Bed and moving it, as well as file cabinets, TV, etc. all around into a new configuration that will also work better when the grandkids are over.

My granddaughter was so easy. I'd tell her not to touch something because "that's not for kids".

"Okay." And that was that.

Not so with my grandson. He shakes his head when I say "No!", waits for me to look away and heads right for the forbidden fruit. Unlike his sister, he is very sensitive to hot and cold as well. My tiny bedroom is freezing in winter, sweltering in summer. So I'll try this.

I'm also considering painting a room a robin's egg blue, something I've fantisized about for years. Right now the entire tiny house is flat white. But I'd like something like this:

Minus the modern chair. I love the feeling of this blue.

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